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What is Ant ?

1-Apache Ant is a Java based build tool from Apache.
 2-Apache Ant's build files are written in XML .
3-Open Source tool 
How to Install and configure Ant ?
Step 1- Navigate to below mention url
Step 2- Navigate to Current release of ant and download the zip file 

Step 3- Extract zip file 
Step 4- Once we extract the zip file then we need to set environment variable
Right click on My computer and select the properties and click on Advanced system setting

Add the user variable - Here give the name ANT_HOME and in value section specify the path till home directory of ant
 Add system variable- In this we need to edit existing system path click on edit , go till last and give the location till bin and save
Note- Please do not edit other path- it may crash your system

Step 5- Now verify that Ant is installed properly- Open CMD and type run and hit enter
Note- if it is install properly then in output console we will get build.xml not found-build failed


XSLT Report

 XSLT stands for XML Style-sheet language for transformation, It provide very rich formatting report using TestNG framework

1- Ant should be installed 
2- At-least one testcase should be executed by TestNg (i.e we should have test-output directory available in home directory)

Step 1- Download XSLT

Step 2- Unzip this and copy all the files and paste into project home directory.
Refer below screen-shot

 Step 3- Run build.xml using Ant - To run build.xml file

Open CMD and go till project directory and type run and hit enter.
Step 4- Once build successful then type ant generateReport and hit enter again

Step 5- Once build successful then go to project directory and you will get testng-xslt folder

Inside testng-xslt you will get index.html (this is the main report) open in FF or in Chrome

Download Project
It contain all lib file which required to generate XSLT report