After posting an article about mobile app test automation tools we received a pile of letters and comments, asking for more detailed instructions. So, here you go: the manual for testing with Appium, top 1 tool according to your requests.
Today we’ll tell you what you need to launch automated app testing with Appium and where to get it. Dive in:
1.     Mac OS X 10.8.5

2.     Appium is more stable on this version of OS, but also works on latest Mac OS X versions
3.     Xcode (latest version) with all downloaded simulators
4.     Appium (latest version)
5.     Android SDK with all downloaded android emulators with API 17 and higher
6.     Eclipse IDE
7.     Selenium JAR file
8.     Android File Transfer application from Mac OS X
Now let’s dig deeper:
Download Xcode (latest version) from Apple App Store. You don’t need a developer account to do that.
After installing Xcode download all its simulators:
1.     Open Xcode program
2..     Click on Xcode button at top left side of the screen
2.     Click the Preferences… button
3.     Download all simulators from Downloads window that will appear
    Also download Command Line Tools, otherwise Appium will not work.
Android SDK
Download Android SDK from
Go to
 Develop => Tools => Download => Download ADT for Mac OS X.
Install the ADT to Application folder. Install all emulators with SDK 17+
1.     Open the ADT folder from Finder
2.     Open Eclipse folder
3.     Open the program

4.     Click the Window button from top bar

5.     Click the Android SDK Manager button

1.     Check all API’s 17+ and the Tools and Extras folders and install them
2.     Add ANDROID_HOME and JAVA_HOME by entering in terminal:launchctl
setenv ANDROID_HOME /Application/adt-bundle-/sdk     (path to SDK folder)
setenv JAVA_HOME /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/HomeDownload: Android File Transfer application from Mac OS X from
Download Appium program from: => Downloads => for OS X =>appium-x.x.x.dmg
Unpack Appium-x.x.x.dmg to Application folder.
Application for testing
You should remember certain app file specifications:
·         for iOS real device testing: *.app file build for ARM process architecture
·         for iOS simulator testing: *.app file build for x86 process architecture
·         for Android simulator or real device testing: *.apk.
Notice: The *.app file extracted from the *.ipa file can’t be tested on real device because it contains some sort of security.
How to Set Up Appium for Testing:
Add ”App Path” and check the checkbox near it

1.     If you use a simulator:
1.     Select a device and check the checkbox in front of “Force Device”
2.     Select a “Platform Version”
3.     Check the checkbox in from of “Show Simulator Log”
2.     If you use a real device:
1.     Select a checkbox in front of UDID
2.     In “UDID” field enter devices UDID (device UDID number could be opened in
iTunes/device page/Tap the “Serial number” field)
3.     Uncheck the “Force Device” checkbox if it is checked
4.     Launch the “Appium” app
5.     Verify if all settings are corrected by taping the “Doctor” button
6.     If all is correct tap the “Inspector” button to start recording the test.
Add ”App Path” and chec

1.     Check checkboxes and select a package in fron of:
1.     Package
2.     Wait for Package
3.     Launch Activity
4.     Wait for Activity
2.     Capabilities:
1.     Select “Platform Name” – “Android”
2.     Select “Automation Name” – “Appium”
3.     Select “Platform Version” API 17+
3.     Launch Device:
1.     Check the checkbox in from of “Device Ready Timeout”
2.     Set up “60” seconds to “Device Ready Timeout”
4.     If you use emulator:
1.     Check the checkbox in front of “Launch AVD” (the emulator device should already be created)
2.     In capabilities  – “Platform Version” select the AVD selected API (Android version)
If you use real device:
3.     Check the checkbox in front of “Device Name”
4.     Fill the “Device Name” field with device name which can be get from “Android File Transfer” application
5.     Check the checkbox in front of “Language”
6.     Select devices language
5.     Launch the “Appium” app
6.     Verify if all settings are corrected by taping the “Doctor” button
7.     If all is correct tap the “Inspector” button to start recording the test.
This is it. Have questions about test automation for Android or iOS on Appium? Leave comments below and we will cover these issues in our next posts.