As most of us know that big companies or banking sector companies or even government sector companies use only Microsoft products and avoid using any open source products. Like that if they have any internal website like Intranet for their organisation or any communication channel, they only prefer to run those websites on IE Browser.
IE Browser is one of the most secured browser and there are thousands of websites which are allowed to access only via Internet Explorer browser. Such IE only websites are not allowed to access through any other browsers like Firefox or google chrome so you can access such sites In Internet Explorer browser only.
In this complete series of Locators & XPath we learnt about many tools which come with Chrome, Firefox or IE in the form of build in plugin or as Add-Ons. So, now let’s say that you need to automate an application which is allowed to access only on IE Browser. How would you identify the locators or XPath for the web elements?
For that we have two options to use, either we can use IE Inspector or we can also use Fire IE Selenium Tool for IE Browser which can help us to get element locators for IE only websites. This tool is an XLSM file that is an extension for an Excel macro-enabled workbook.

How to download Fire IE Selenium

 2) Download file.

3) The downloaded file by default save in to the Download folder but still it depends on your system settings.

How to Use Fire IE Selenium Tool for Selenium Browser
For demo purpose, lets just consider to use
1) Double click on the Fire-IEBrowser1.4.xlsm file, this will open Microsoft Excel file.

Note : Tool Is being crashed with some websites and there Is not any online support for this tool. So use It If works with your website.
2) This may display the security pop up with in the excel file, Click on Enable Editing.

3) One more security warning can appear with in the excel, for this click on Enable Content button.

4) Now It will open FIRE – IE BROWSER – WEB ELEMENT DETAILS dialog with Proceed button as shown In bellow Image. Click on Proceed button.
5) It will open Fire IE Selenium tool as shown In bellow Image. To start using it, type in the URL box and click on Load button.

6)  This might produce script error depend on the application, but do not worry about this and simply click on Yes button.

 7) Right click on My Account link on the right side of the application. This will Open Object Description dialog.
8) Enter the name of the HTML element in text box and click on OK button as shown In above Image.
9) To see what is saved for the MyAccountLink, click on ‘< ‘or ‘>‘ icon on the right bottom side of the IE Selenium tool window.

 10 ) This will display the Excel file with the saved information against the selected HTML element Information contains XPath, CSS Path and other details of the MyAccountLink HTML element in Fire-IEBrowser1.4.xlsm file’s sheet.
11) To practice more on this, click on My Account Link. This will open the LogIN Page. Identify UserName, Password and Login button. This exercise will produce the below results:
Same way you can get all these detail of any element and use In Selenium WebDriver test script for IE only or any WebSite